Thank you for your interest in becoming a Downtown Austin Alliance Ally! Our volunteer opportunities provide a chance to engage with the community, support public spaces, and contribute to the vibrancy of downtown Austin.
DASA Community Activator
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*We are currently accepting activations through April 1st, 2025
The Downtown Austin Space Activation (DASA) Program is designed to breathe new life into vacant or underutilized spaces downtown. By partnering with property owners, local businesses, and community stakeholders, this program seeks to create dynamic spaces that not only attract foot traffic but also stimulate economic activity, enhancing the aesthetic appeal of downtown, and providing opportunities for entrepreneurship and creativity to flourish.
Activation programming typically refers to the planning, coordination, and execution of a series of events, initiatives, or campaigns designed to engage, excite, or "activate" a specific audience or community.
The emphasis is on fostering interaction, creativity, and connection among participants utilizing our DASA program. Whether it's themed exhibitions, live performances, hands-on workshops, or community gatherings, activations programming seeks to enliven public spaces, generate buzz, and leave a lasting impact on both individuals and the community as a whole.
DASA Objectives
Revitalize Downtown
Transform vacant storefronts into vibrant hubs. Revitalize commercial corridors and main streets.
Support Local Businesses
Provide affordable and flexible spaces for entrepreneurs, artisans, and small businesses to showcase their offerings. Help them establish a presence and grow customer bases.
Catalyze Economic Growth
Stimulate spending and investment in our local economy. Attract patrons to explore an array of downtown spaces.
Foster Community Engagement
Create gathering spaces. Promote social interaction, cultural exchanges, and civic pride. Strengthen a sense of belonging and connection.
Proposal for community programming. A complete proposal will include:
* Proposals must be submitted at least 8 weeks before the activation date no later than 2 weeks prior to the activation.
- A clear description of your workshop/class/program concept
- Date(s) and times of activation
- Tentative run of show
- A description of how your program aligns with the DASA objectives
Space Specifics
- Central space Downtown
- indoor & outdoor spaces
- Capacity between 200-3,000
- Multi-use spaces
- Bathroom and water access
Fee structure
501(c)(3) Non-Profit Activator: $250 per day + Refundable $150 Deposit
For-Profit Activator: $350 per day + Refundable $150 Deposit
***If you are a for-profit or non-profit organization that makes over $250,000 annually with proof of 990 forms you are subject to rate adjustments***
Site visits are available Wednesdays 11-12:30
506 Congress Ave
2,000 sq ft
Capacity- up to 150

Other locations available for activation
The Downtown Austin Alliance Foundation either manages or is directly in contact with the management of the following areas. These areas are available for activation pending approval.
- Old Bakery Emporium
- 301 Congress Porch
- Republic Square (Republic Square is subject to its own guidelines and separate applications for rentals. Please refer to the Event Guide for more information.)

DASA Property Interest
The Downtown Austin Space Activation (DASA) Program is designed to breathe new life into vacant or underutilized spaces downtown. By partnering with property owners, local businesses, and community stakeholders, this program seeks to create dynamic spaces that not only attract foot traffic but also stimulate economic activity, enhancing the aesthetic appeal of downtown, and providing opportunities for entrepreneurship and creativity to flourish.
Thank you for your interest in partnering with the Downtown Austin Space Activation (DASA) Program to revitalize vacant or underutilized spaces downtown. By collaborating with property owners like you, local businesses, and community stakeholders, we aim to create vibrant hubs of activity that contribute to the cultural and economic vitality of downtown Austin, while supporting the flourishing of local artists.
Why Partner?
Community Impact
Directly contribute to the vibrancy of downtown.Your generosity creates a more inviting environment that benefits residents, visitors, and businesses alike.
Social Responsibility
Support initiatives that strengthen your community. Your donation will contribute to the social fabric and sense of belonging in our downtown.
Publicity and Recognition
Your generosity will be publicly acknowledged through various channels, including our website, social media platforms, press releases, and signage.
Be a Trusted Champion
We will work directly with you to activate the space, highlight your participation, and drive foot traffic to the space. We facilitate all aspects of the partnership to ensure positive outcomes.
Support for Entrepreneurs
The program provides a supportive environment for entrepreneurs and small businesses to test new ideas, build customer relationships, and grow their ventures, strengthening the entrepreneurial ecosystem and fostering
Vibrant storefront and public space activations create attractive and welcoming public spaces that encourage social interaction, cultural exchange, and civic engagement, fostering a stronger sense of community identity and pride.
Urban Revitalization
Revitalized storefronts and commercial districts contribute to the physical and social rejuvenation of downtown Austin, making it a more desirable place to work, visit, live, and invest.
Improved Perceptions of Safety
Public space activation contributes to improved perceptions of safety by increasing visibility, fostering social cohesion, creating positive atmospheres through programming and events, and enhancing design and maintenance standards. As a result, people feel more comfortable and secure utilizing public spaces, leading to a greater sense of safety and well-being in the community as a whole.
Economic Impact
Increased foot traffic and sales for local businesses, job creation, and enhanced property occupancy and values contribute to a more resilient and prosperous local economy.
Please fill out the following form to express your interest in participating in the DASA Program:
While the deadline for committee applications for 2023-2024 has passed, we are always accepting applications for future service. Seats are limited but applications will be kept on file for two years and will be the starting point for filling future committee vacancies.
Be The Change You Want To See in Downtown
Are you looking for a way to use your expertise to make downtown Austin an even better place? The Downtown Austin Alliance is seeking volunteers to join our working committees. These committees advance the community’s vision for downtown by supporting our strategic plan priorities. The mission of the Downtown Austin Alliance is to create, preserve and enhance the vibe, vitality and value of downtown Austin for everyone. Dedicated to downtown, our team of staff and volunteers is led by our six core values. These are our commitments to how we approach working toward our mission in everything we do:
- Lead with Relentless Vision
- Earn Trust
- Inspire Passion
- Foster Collaboration
- Mindfully Impact
- Cultivate Inclusivity
We opened our committees to community applications this year because we know we cannot achieve our goals alone. If selected, you may participate in committee work to keep downtown safe and welcoming to everyone, spearhead new downtown murals, make public policy recommendations to our board of directors, or create innovative and engaging ways to activate our parks and public spaces. Each of our committees will be composed of Downtown Austin Alliance board members and community members. We are looking for volunteers to serve on these four committees:
Mobility Committee –
- Five-Year Goal: Downtown is easier and more enjoyable to access and move within, has enhanced pedestrian and transportation facilities, and improved connections to neighboring communities.
- Focus: This year, the Mobility Committee’s priorities include the City of Austin CoreTransportation Plan, a subsidized parking program for venues and service employees, and regional and downtown best practices for construction mitigation, among other issues and projects.
- Needs: We are seeking experts in mobility user access and experience, multi-modal transportation, local/state/federal advocacy, parking, construction mitigation, and the mobility needs of downtown employees, tourists, and residents.
Built Environment Committee –
- Five-Year Goal: Downtown grows with a delightful and eclectic mix of modern investment and beautiful public spaces while preserving historic character and funky weirdness.
- Focus: This year, the Built Environment Committee will work on an attainable housing event, development codes and policies, an implementation strategy for the Palm District Plan, the historic entertainment district (centered around E. 6th), and policies to enhance cultural and historic preservation, among other issues and projects.
- Needs: We are seeking experts in public-private partnerships; architecture and urban design; urban housing; preservation; and downtown development, construction, and the land development code.
Public Space Experience Committee –
- Five-Year Goal: Downtown is clean, safe, and welcoming for everyone.
- Focus: This year, the Public Space Experience Committee will work on a plan for improved social services delivery, scoping a maintenance service request app, increasing shelter beds, a private camera interface with the Austin Police Department (APD), a night-time crime reduction pilot program, and a mural at Old Bakery, among other issues and projects.
- Needs: We are seeking experts in homelessness, social service delivery, hospitality, public safety (especially night-time safety), social service systems, beautification, and activation of public spaces as a strategy to enhance perceptions of safety.
Active Urbanism Committee –
- Five-Year Goal: Downtown ignites, attracts, and cultivates authentic arts, culture, music, nature, and sense of place.
- Focus: This year, the Active Urbanism Committee will work on a catalog of public spaces for activation, the Our Future 35 Cap and Stitch program, storefront activation, physical improvements at Republic Square, assessment of a possible partnership agreement for Old Bakery, our Writing on the Walls mural program, Musicians Activating Spaces, and scoping a flagship artist event, among other issues and projects.
- Needs: We are seeking artists and creatives, landscape architects, and experts in parks and plazas, participatory engagement, heritage and history, public art, music, retail, placemaking, and storytelling.
The Details
- We encourage Downtown Austin Alliance members and non-members to apply. We do not require membership for committee service.
- If selected, we ask for a commitment to regular attendance, preparation and participation in committee meetings and projects.
- Committees meet roughly every other month for 1.5 hours, though they may meet more or less frequently as needed. Committee members may be encouraged or invited to read, explore, or attend additional events to enhance their familiarity with key issues.
- Committees are advisory to the Downtown Austin Alliance Board of Directors.
- Committee terms are from September/October 2023 to April 2025.
To maximize committee effectiveness, our committees are small and active; we have limited opportunities to serve and may not be able to accept all who apply. The Downtown Austin Alliance values inclusivity and is committed to a culture of engagement that operates with consideration and respect for all. Therefore, we encourage Black, Brown, Indigenous, Latinx, and Asian applicants, women and applicants from other underrepresented or underserved communities to apply.
Whether you’re an established artist looking to showcase your latest work or an up-and-coming talent, this general call for artists provides a dynamic platform to share your creativity! Unlike a traditional call for artists, this platform was created to help artists and creative individuals submit ideas at times most convenient for them and on an ongoing basis without specific project or deadline requirements. Downtown Austin’s Writing on the Walls program curates and launches larger-than-life public artworks that bring people together from all different organizations and areas in the city to uplift the creative community.
What: The Downtown Austin Alliance Foundation is accepting applications for our ongoing ARTBOX program which is a part of the Writing on the Wall initiative. The ARTBOX program will enhance utility electric boxes with inspired artwork by the selected artist.
Who: The Downtown Austin Alliance Foundation will work with an artist selection panel comprised of community leaders, arts and culture advocates, creatives, and residents in proximity of the ARTBOX to select an artist, approve the design, manage and oversee the execution, installation, and maintenance of the ARTBOX.
Why: The ARTBOX Program will create vibrancy downtown, a platform for local artists to showcase their talents, and bring light to the history and culture of the area
Timing: Rolling Basis
The Downtown Austin Alliance is currently accepting ongoing applications for Food Trucks